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#[derive(Debug)] //idiot programm
struct Person<'a>{ //todo have to declare the lifetime
// struct person{ /*todo can not directly be writed down in this form*/
// name: &str
name: &'a str,
color: String,
age: u8,
fn main() {
// String::from
let name = String::from("Value C++");
/* Literals of the text : &str
-> String */
let course = "Rust";
let course = "Rust".to_owned();
let new_name = name.replace("c++","cpp");
println!("{name}; {new_name}\n{course}");
let rust = "\x52\x75\x73\x74";
let rust = "\x52\x75\x73\x74".to_string();
let name ="Tsing";
let color = "blue".to_string();
let people = Person{
name: name,//name behind: name declared in this fn
/* name in the front: name in struct*/
color: color,
// color: "blue",
/* ^^^^^^- help: try using a conversion method: `.to_string()`
| |
| expected `String`, found `&str`*/
age: 9,
println!("{:?}", people)}; //#[derive(Debug)] 后可以打印,否则不行
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